Page name: Anime Fantasy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-21 07:49:54
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
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Anime Fantasy

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2007-11-02 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Angela, are you ok?"
(dungeons masters guide.)

2007-11-02 [*Sakura-chan*]: (?)
Angela: now cmon
Yumi: *still walking beside Belius but quiet*

2007-11-03 [Natuka]: Haruko: :)

2007-11-03 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: hu? *turns over to Haruko*
Yumi: who are you?

2007-11-03 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Is that another opponent..."

2007-11-03 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "No."

2007-11-03 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: just leave her
Yumi: hmmmm

2007-11-03 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "We will listen to Angela."

2007-11-03 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: ...
Yumi: ok then ^ ^

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "If that is what you want Aledor.."

Belius: *sighs*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: *whisper to herself* they don't make a cute couple
Yumi: ^ ^

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: I can hear you...don't say such things...they may be different but they are in love...don't acto so childish and vain...

Demitri: "What was that.." *glances to Angela curiously*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Demitri, Belius, behave, we are at Angela's mercy, now."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I didn't hear her...I just wanted to know what she said..."

Belius: "I will not tolerate her speaking of my brother as such.."

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks at Belius* "You will lay down your life for her, if she so wishes."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: "I will protect her with my life...but that is all..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "hey"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Go away brat.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "im not a brat"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "No, you are not, just mean and spiteful."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *sighs* "atleast you didn't say annoying like everyone else"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "just go away...before she and I both attack you.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "let me think about" *plays with dragon*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "It is Angela's choice if the Dragon Girl joins us or not."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "so you are willing to take on two immortal deities..."

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "It is not my choice, nor is it yours."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "you a deity? dont make me laugh"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Actually both of us are deities...she of water and me of darkness and light.."

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "No fighting."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "and i should believe you because..."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I'm not fighting yet...and this girl can be a problem..."

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *sighs and moves away*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "shut up"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "little girl you are seriously out of your should leave before i lose my temper..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "do i look like i care, oh and never call me little"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "But you are little, in many, many ways."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Leave you 'little' whelp"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *walks up to Demitri and slaps him so hard it feels like the sun was burning him*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *Laughs at the thought of Demitri being hurt.*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *as she hit him her hand faded right through him* "I told you, you can't hurt me...little girl.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "its little dead girl to you"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "You are nothing but a tiny knat to me..."

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Dear, you just called yourself dead."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *falls to knees* "why does everyone have to hate me?" *starts to cry*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Because you refuse to do anything but cause destruction.." *stared coldly*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "DEMITRI!" *Goes to River.* "We do not hate you. We just do not know you."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "even if you knew would hate me, just like everyone else" *keeps crying*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "It is true...if she were kinder she wouldn't be hated so...." *stares off emotionlessly*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *stops crying and wipes tears* "i try to be nice but...they still hate me"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "You didn't try to be nice when you came here.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "sorry, it never ends up the way i plan"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I came here because my brother was fighting with them..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i came here because i have nowhere else to go...everyone rejects me"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Talk to Aledor...and Angela...I am basically just a by stander only reason for staying is for Aledor.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i only stay on this fucking planet just to see if someone likes me for who i am"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "like I said...I am only here for the one I love and cherish...if she wasn't here...I would be roaming around in never ending darkness and be truly invincible.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "what is love?"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I don't really know how to explain is a strong emotion you feel for someone you care alot about is the best i can do..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks sad* "ive never felt love before"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Give it will sooner or later.."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "even after 13 years you would think someone in this world wouldn't hate me"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *whispers* "You could try for Belius...though you might have to fight with the crazy ass one over there" *points to Yumi*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *sighs* "well, he is cute"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Brother...what are you talking put a barrier up a moment ago..."

Demitri: *glances to Belius* "nothing..." *turns back to River smiling slightly*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks at Belius and blushes*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "He can read your mind you know..."

Belius: why are you blushing.... *looks away blushing slightly himself*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "crap..." *blushes more*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "You haven't noticed yet...he has powerful abilities...he is even able to control your own abilities through chanelling them through his..."

Belius: "brother why is she blushing.." *blushes more*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "you would think that with powers i would know that by know" *looks away and blushes more*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "He can't hear anything we are saying or read our thoughts for now atleast...i put a barrier up in both our he can't see..."

Belius: *walks over smiling*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: " why is Belius smiling?"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Because he likes you too.."

Belius: " put up too strong of a barrier I can't hear anything you two are saying.." *growls*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "really?" *looks at Belius*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: > >
Yumi: wait...who likes Belius or what?

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "ur confused aren't you?"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: me too
Yumi: yes but, cuz if someone like Belius then it a problem

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "well..."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: ?
Yumi: what do you mean "well?"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i might know a thing or two about it"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: O O
Yumi: what?! WHAT?!!!!

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "what?"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela; hmmm *whispers to Yumi's hear*
Yumi: *mad look with red eyes* I LIKE BELIUS TOO!!!!!!

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i dont think he likes you"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: uh-oh!
Yumi: *cries but still mad* i hate you!

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "sorry i didn't mean to make you cry"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: *walks away*
Yumi: when since you came into the picture you ruined sorry but i guess i'll stop liking him then *goes wit angela*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "wait, you can have him if you really want him"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: *turns around and sees them*
Yumi: *stops* why would i want to have him if he doesn't even like me

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i said that 'i think' but i dont know"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: ^_^ i finally found the light
Yumi: Angela?!!!!!

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "huh?" *looks confused*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela: i'll miss you yumi! ^ ^
Yumi: NO WAIT DONT LEAVE US!!!!! *starts crying alot*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *holds Yumi*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Angela; *gone forever*
Yumi: *drops on the ground crying*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "im so sorry Yumi"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: its okay its not your fault...
Akari: OKAY IM HERE -_^

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "and you are"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu?
Akari: im a replacement from tha angel girl he he

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "that makes sense"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *stops crying* i like better angela!
Akari: *puts hands on hips* oh really ha! but then im sexier!

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no im sexier!"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Ymui: ~_~
Akar: lol jk

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "im kidding, i hate how i look"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi:...
Akari; its okay you look sexy -_^ lol

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no i dont"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: (WHERE IN A CASTLE OKAYS ^ ^)
Yumi: okays?
Akari: ^_^ ummm ok then so whats up where are we?

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i dont know"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Akari, is Angela ok?"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *looks at akari hopefully*
Akari: she alright

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "what ever she said"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: ^ ^
Akari: so where's the hot guys in this castle?

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "there's a hot guy?" *looks confused*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu?
Akari: lol im jk ^ ^

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "okay..."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: so Akari where IS Angela?
Akari: she's in heaven now were she's supposed to be like all the other angels up there who finally found the light

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i have no will to go to heaven"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: ^ ^
Akari; don't worry now is not your time River *her pet bat flies around her*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "sometimes i just feel dead when im not"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: thas weird
Akari: *nods*

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: Hey I am the new guy

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Oh, no, not another one."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: (act like your character ok ^ ^)
Yumi: hu
Akari: wha?

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: (Yeah I do)
Cyclone: My name is Cyclone

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: (oh ok ^ ^)
Yumi: ummmm
Akari: what a bad boy just giving your name like if nothing

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *mutters* "No shit."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: what did you say aledor?
Akari: hu? who are you?

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Nothing you would understand, Yumi, do forgive me." *bows slightly*

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at Aledor but decides to comment my hears over heard*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: ummm ok
Akari: so her name is Aledor and you took the hot demon hu?

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Smiles* "Yeah I did but I didn't take it for the looks"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Mine."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:*Looks at Aledor but remains silent*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu?
Akari: *laughs* don't worry Aledor i won't take him away from you

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "I doubt you could anymore." *moves closer to Deitri.*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: > >
Akari: yeah true but 'll find a hot guy too -_^

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "If you wish."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Whats this? Won't take who from who?" *looking confused*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: AledorL *looks ay Cyclone* "Demitri is mine." *said with menacne*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "hi"

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: "Hello and don't you worry about your man"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *whispers to Aledor* "I don't like the look of him..."

Belius: *stands beside River defensively*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks confused*

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *stands there silent looking at everyone wondering why they do not trust him*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: * puts a hand to Demitri's cheast* "Cyclone, you are new, you should have seen what we put River through before she was allowed in."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i wasn't allowed in?"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aleodr: "At first, dear"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "o, i remember that"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *smiles*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River *giggles*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks at Belius and blushes*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "He doesn't seem quite as versed in magic as she was...if he gets out of line...I can easily despatch him...." *smiles at cyclone*

Belius: *takes river's hand blushing more* "so why are you here.."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I am not worried about that, I can withstand anything you guys put me through"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes deep red* "i have no idea"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "He has done nothing wrong, yet."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "And you will find I never will, it is benieth me to do wrong"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "That is true."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "so how long have you guys been here?"

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "It isn't beneath any just have to try your best..."

Belius: "why are you so red..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i have a really bad feeling about him"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks at river* "We are not perrmitted to answer that question."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Just sits down and starts to meditate*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "um... i dont know"

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Doesn't hear anyone right now he is in a deep meditation*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I am not so sure about him either...he seems to be supressing something..."

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *hides behind Belius*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "We should leave..."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *after a few mintues slowly opens his eyes with a look of calmness*

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I agree...but who all is coming with us?"

Belius: "I want River to come along..."

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: yumi: *jealous of River and Belius*
Akari: look the elf guy *looks at Belius* so your the one who broke yumi's heart

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks at Yumi* "i dont think i should"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *turns to Yumi and Akari* "We must leave, now, It matters not who we bring!"

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *walks around in a trance waiting to see what will happen*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *begs* "Demitri! NOW!"

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at Aledor and just stares*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "Aledor?"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: you dont have to do that Akari
Akari: no! i do *gets into Belius face*

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I though everyone was friends here whats going on?"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Nakime: "Hello, Aledor" *said "Nicely"*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu? *goes to Nakime*
Akari: Belius?!!!

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at everyone again and wonders why no one has answered him yet*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Yumi! NO! Go away Nakime! You are not welcome here!!"
Nakime: "Since when do I need an invitation, Water, girl?" *reaches out a fire covered hand to Yumi*

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu? why?
Akira: *gives up on him* hey cyclone guy almost no one is friends here

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Who is this guy? And I thought I wasn't welcomed here"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Yumi, she is evil, she will not burn you, she will burn your soul!!!"
Nakime: "Aledor, tisk, tisk, telling people what they don't need to know."
Aledor: "Yumi!!"

2007-11-04 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: ahhh *backs away* don't worry i can defend myself
akari: hey fire girl you better not hurt yumi!

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Without thinking gets between them*

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks to Demitri* "I can not beat her, fire burns water."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "If no one else will fight her I will, I will not let her hurt no one!"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks at Cyclone with comtempt* "We would all fight her, it is the matter of being able to."

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "But I can snuff her out..." *smiles*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i still have a bad feeling about him"

2007-11-04 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*Claps his hands as he appears overhead* You won't believe the ending to this." He said sitting in a tree watching.

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Nakime: *looks to Demitri.* "So, you are the one who made her leave."

Aledor: *eyes go wide* "Nakime, no..."

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Draws his sword* "Why can't you guys fight her?"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "Think about it, water, fire, how would that work out?"

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "that would be fun to watch"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *glares at River* "Yes, I'm sure you'd just love to see my go up in steam!" *said sacsticly*

2007-11-04 [InsanityAngel]: River: "sorry, i meant fun to watch if it wasn't you"

2007-11-04 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Then I will fight her to the death if need be"

2007-11-04 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: "She can't die, she's a spirt!!"

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